A Santorini Sunset…

“A dream is a wish your heart makes”
~ Walt Disney – Sleeping Beauty

A lone vintage schooner sailing into the light path of a Santorini sunset.

Until next time…happy travels, no matter where life takes you!

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Madhu is an Interior designer turned travel blogger on a long sabbatical to explore the world. When not crafting stories on The Urge To Wander, she's probably Tweeting @theurgetowander or sharing special moments on instagram.com/theurgetowander

142 thoughts on “A Santorini Sunset…

  1. This is just breathtaking..I picture myself there now! Thank you for following my blog!

  2. Oh my! This is utterly beautiful, Madhu. 🙂 Dream place, dream picture – I should put this on my post. 😉

  3. WEEE! I remember this one. I remember being so amazed by it. If you look at your gallery, ou can see that I specific liked it. 😀

    1. You are mistaken Rommel 🙂 That one was just the schooner right in the light path taken minutes after this shot. Click on the link above to see it. I am posting this one for the first time. I much prefer this. Thanks all the same

  4. It’s the romance of that sailing boat, that makes this an unforgettable photograph, not just a wonderful sunset shot! Perched high up on the hill, looking down at that little boat slicing through the golden waters one would dream …

    1. That is right, but the one with just the schooner in the light path doesn’t seem as interesting without the sun and sky either! I am not quite sure now, why I didn’t choose this for my 7 super Shots! Thanks TWLG 🙂

  5. Looking at this photo if it is a dream, I would not want to wake up. This is just beautiful. Love the quote.


    1. A sunset is the highlight of a Santorini trip, and this wasn’t considered particularly spectacular! Would love to see a perfect one 🙂 Thanks Kate

      1. it is just as easy as commenting here really. if you are logged into wp.com and you have commented before then the contact info section is grayed out on my page and you simply need to enter your comment. wp.com seriously inhibits any blogger’s capacity to be seen by non-wp readers and bloggers. If the goal is to have a broader audience then it becomes necessary to be self hosted. It does break down a bit of the ease in contact among the WP community and at the same time greatly enhances potential exposure to the public at large. I am sorry you have found it to be difficult 🙂

        1. Oh, I was under the impression I would have to fill in my details every time I wanted to comment. I understand the need to self host. I would want to consider it sometime in the future.

  6. Wow Madhu! I think this isy most favorite shot I’ve seen of yours. It is utterly spectacular and brings me back to my honeymoon on that very same island 12 years ago. My only regret is tha I didn’t have a great camera. Amazing entry!!!!

    1. Thanks Nicole. I shot this with my little point and shoot, with only a 5x zoom! Can’t explain why some low light shots come out really well and some terrible!! Glad this brought back romantic memories of your honeymoon 🙂

      1. Wow, it truly is an unbelievable photo Madhu! Did you see how much your post inspired me? I wrote my post on Dreaming after reading yours. It brought back many beautiful memories! 🙂

  7. Great atmosphere – “Le Drake Noir” gets the urge to fly out visiting ” the pirates” and drinking rhum with the one-eyed (or was it a one legged) captain and his parrot… ‘big smile’

    1. Yeah, We saw some of these schooners over at Fira had people dressed up as pirates for a very touristy cruise with dinner and loud music. From up on our terrace in Oia, we could pretend it was real 🙂 Thanks Ledrakenoir

    1. Thank you Stephen. I also shot the schooner directly in the light path, but this seems dreamier somehow 🙂

Let me know what you think