My World In Five Colours – 2013

I had fun last year showing you my world In five colours, in response to Jennifer and James’s nominations for the Capture the Colour photo competition.

I have been nominated yet again, by Suzanne Courtney of The Travel Bunny and Hanel of Hanels’ Travels and Photography for the 2013 edition.

The rules entail that I publish a post with five original shots from my travels, that best represent the colours blue, green, yellow, white and red, on or before 9 October. I then need to tag five other bloggers and link back to Travelsupermarket on Facebook or Twitter with @travelsupermkt and #CTC13 hashtags.

So here are my five snapshots, all from Asia for a change:

Blue 1
Every street in Lucknow boasts forlornly beautiful architecture, that hint at the legendary lifestyle of the Nawabs of Awadh. A walk through the old town – spruced up two years ago, but already well on its way back into its former grittiness – is highly recommended. Not least for its famed street food.

Red 3
A boat ride at dawn is the best way to witness the tableau unfolding on the ghats of Varanasi. And relatively the cleanest and most peaceful!!

Yellow 3
Wat Visoun is one of the oldest temples in Luang Prabang and holds some exquisite antique sculpture. Like these gilded Buddhas in the ‘calling for rain’ pose.

White 4 copy
The carved white marble balcony of ‘Kashi Naresh’, the erstwhile maharajah of Varanasi, in Ramnagar fort is a striking contrast to the red sandstone of the rest of the building.

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Of all the ruined temples in Siem Reap, the whispering silence of Beng Mealea spoke to us the most. 

This challenge is open to everyone – you don’t need to be nominated to take part. The deadline for submitting your entry is 9 October.

If you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account simply email your entry to capturethecolour[at], complete with your name, address and phone number.

Good luck to Suzanne and Hanel and to all my blogger friends that are taking part in this challenge.

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Madhu is an Interior designer turned travel blogger on a long sabbatical to explore the world. When not crafting stories on The Urge To Wander, she's probably Tweeting @theurgetowander or sharing special moments on

55 thoughts on “My World In Five Colours – 2013

  1. What a lovely idea! I really liked all the pictures. Your blog makes me want to pack my bag and travel to Asia! Have a good weekend!

  2. I’m impressed by your photo gallery, Madhu, also a nice challenge – but maybe I like to compare countries not via colors but with the focus on their social systems…

  3. Every one is gorgeous, Madhu! If I had to choose, I think I’d go with the Dawn Boat Ride. Exquisite. 🙂

  4. Great that you decided to show the colors of Asia. It’s a great theme to respond to that challenge. I love the Blue the most. Doors, just doors, yet so captivating.

  5. All are wonderful images Madhu but the red of Varanasi calls to me most. We’re heading for Siem Reap and Angkor Wat at the end of the month so will try to get to Beng Mealea…

  6. Madhu, They are gorgeous! I was particularly taken with the Maharajah’s balcony because it was such a wonderful surprise … and perfect for the theme. Wishing you all the best, Terri

  7. All are wonderful, of course. 🙂 Something about the ruins always fascinates me. I always remember each one. Maybe it’s because I’m old? Haha. Have fun with the grandsons! Take some photos of them while they are there.

  8. Congratulations dear Madhu!!! You nominated me?? I am moved very much to even be in your league of photography . Thank you!!! ♥

  9. They are all wonderful, Madhu! It’s impossible to pick only one or some favourites. Glorious colours in all, and I wish you luck in the contest! I’m very grateful for your nomination, and I really would have wanted to participate – but this weekend my children will come home and my father will turn 80. So, thank you once again – it makes me warm and happy that you thought of me!

    Best of uck for you! ♥

    1. Thank you Ann Christine. Your family is first priority. Enjoy your weekend. And happy birthday to your dad 🙂

    1. Thanks Dallas. My favourite is the green because of the memories of the picnic we had on outside that temple 🙂

  10. The first two are my favourites. Great shots! I really need to visit India…
    Just wanted to let you know that you linked Ann Christine of Leya to my blog so she might not be aware yet that you nominated her haha.
    Be happy and keep travelling

    1. Ha ha, the dangers of using a post template!! 😀
      Thanks Adwoa. Why don’t you take part anyway? I remember your awesome yellow shot from last year that was a runner up if I am not mistaken.

        1. I am going to be offline for a while too, on baby sitting duties, unless the grandsons are unusually undemanding 🙂 Take care Adwoa.

  11. You have some beautiful, beautiful photos there Madhu. The first and the second made my heart swoon, but then I have a thing for turquoise doors, and boats on water! You are such a wonderful photographer 🙂
    Thank you for nominating me for this challenge. I may well participate if I can find a quiet 5 minutes over the weekend. As for the weekend I hope it is a pleasurable one for you.

    Warm regards

  12. Lovely photos and wonderful colours. Beautiful!! Blessings, dear Madhu ♥

  13. Oh……your photos are beyond beautiful. And thank you for the nomination. It looks as if I will have a busy weekend 🙂
    Best of luck in the contest!

Let me know what you think