In Photos: Floating Over Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia, Turkey

Watching dawn break over the spectacular landscape of Cappadocia is a breathtaking sight and best appreciated from a balloon.

This dramatic terrain is made up of consolidated volcanic ash – known as tuff – that has eroded over millions of years to form surreal shapes and caves. Early Christians hid in these caves to evade persecution by invading Romans. These are still in use today and some have been converted to beautiful little hotels and home-stays, that are way more atmospheric than the larger chains in Goreme.

Below are a few images from our balloon ride.

Balloon and Cave Dwellings – Cappadocia








A stomach churning look down just after take off!

Until next time…happy travels, no matter where life takes you.

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Madhu is an Interior designer turned travel blogger on a long sabbatical to explore the world. When not crafting stories on The Urge To Wander, she's probably Tweeting @theurgetowander or sharing special moments on

106 thoughts on “In Photos: Floating Over Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia, Turkey

  1. Ah now I know why I missed this post, I was traveling to Medan and Lake Toba when you published this. 🙂
    I’ve always wanted to go to Turkey. But I’m not sure if I can do that any sooner. Maybe next year. *fingers crossed*

  2. My dad just came back from Turkey and had amazing things to say about it. I can’t wait to visit! Love these photos…

  3. I’m finally catching up but will come back to comment on other/future posts. Thanks for your patience! 🙂

      1. WoW! I should feel better… but as I write, I’m plodding through it. Looking forward to emptying out my box of all 3500 emails. 🙂

          1. It’s tempting but my Catholic guilt prevents it… They are not all posts; a mix of good mail, junk mail and blog posts… about 500 or so are blog posts. 🙂

  4. WOW I think I could give up my fear of hieghts to float of Turkey
    this beautiful Thank you for sharing!

    Take care,,,

      1. you are very welcome, they were incredible photos..
        I enjoyed them very much..

  5. Some stunning photos here – I’ve been up in a balloon once and it was so peaceful – a lovely way to view the world from above.

      1. Hi Madhu – thank you so much for recommending The Kelebek in Cappadocia – we had a wonderful stay there, it was just perfect.

    1. You will not regret doing it! This was our first (and only) balloon ride and it remains our most memorable experience!

  6. That must have been one amazing experience! What a fantastic landscape – truly unique – and very cool that there are boutique hotels set up within the caves. I MUST visit this place 🙂

    1. I totally recommend it! We regretted staying in a regular hotel so much, that I arranged for my daughter and her friends to stay in one of these cave houses, when they went there the following year. They loved it.

    1. So glad I found yours! Your long conversations with Mike got me curious 🙂 Thank you for stopping by to read and comment!

  7. Wow! Great pics! I would be terrified to ride in a hot air balloon but I guess I did do tandem hang gliding before! I was much younger then!

  8. Waah! That must have been such a thrill! Oh wow, I don’t know if I can do that though. I can imagine that floating around like that for some time is much different from going on my favorite ziplines which takes only a minute or so. You had such an adventure, Madhu. Wonderful! 🙂

    1. If you enjoy ziplining, this should be a piece of cake! The most difficult part was the waking up at 3.30 am to make it for the 5 am ride! It was freezing up there till the sun came out!

  9. great tribute to Cappadocia: “Early Christians hid in these caves to evade persecution by invading Romans. These are still in use today and some have been converted to beautiful little hotels and homestays…”

  10. How exciting! I would love to take a balloon ride someday, and it would be doubly rewarding if it were over such an exotic landscape.

  11. Love your pictures Madhu! It brings back memories of my own balloon ride in Cappadocia in July 2010! I think that experience is at the top of my list of amazing experiences! Thanks for the memories!

      1. Ahhh, I see I already “liked” and commented on your post about the balloon ride in Cappadocia! How short my memory is becoming… 🙂

  12. Stunning shots once again Madhu! I can see you certainly enjoyed that balloon ride! Love their colours and the view from up there is amazing! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 *hugs*

  13. What a cool villiage. I can’t imagine living like this full time, but I think spending a week, or two, here would be a memorable experience, and probably make us more thankful for the many things we take for granted on a daily basis … like internet connections. I love the photographs, Madhu.

    1. Some of those are quite luxurious inside! Doubt you would be depriving yourself of much! appreciate your stopping by Orples!

  14. oh that looks just awesome, i can imagine the quiet floating sensation, and the surreal landscape drifting by below …thanks for taking me there madhu!

    1. These caves are so …wow! I was thinking of using them as a place characters in my story can inhabit. One of the few places that do not get destroyed during wars/riots etc.

      1. @Khaula, You would be right in assuming that! Nearby are whole underground ‘cities’ several levels deep!

    1. I was petrified when I got on, but once we were aloft it was wonderful! The landing is scarier actually 🙂

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