Paris – Allée des Justes

A 60 metre stretch of road bordering the Shoah Memorial, in the Marais, once known as the Rue Grenier sur l’Eau, renamed ‘Allée des Justes‘ in June 2006, in tribute to those that did not forget the meaning of community.

Allée des Justes - Paris

Allée des Justes - Paris

A pity our supreme court did.

PS: I was amazed when my post on the Death Railway touched a chord with one of my readers, who happened to be the descendant of a victim! It happened again today, when Multifarious Meanderings’ comment below, led me to this remarkable tribute to her grandmother in law, who, along with her husband, risked everything to help a friend in need!

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Madhu is an Interior designer turned travel blogger on a long sabbatical to explore the world. When not crafting stories on The Urge To Wander, she's probably Tweeting @theurgetowander or sharing special moments on

55 thoughts on “Paris – Allée des Justes

  1. Ahh! The photos reminded me of visiting these shrines. It’s to ensure we never forget. As for your feature on where there is a serious lack of country, yeah, India has a long way to go.

  2. a very sobering post Madhu, and thanks for the link to the Supreme Court story … oh dear, our laws lag so far behind when it comes to social change …

  3. A very serious and thoughtful take on ‘community.’ I liked Le Marais and loved wandering around there but don’t remember seeing that so it’s nice to read about it and see it on your blog.

    1. I tell myself I should not bring politics into this essentially travel blog, but I can’t help myself when I get incensed about some things 🙂 Thanks for reading Tina.

  4. The humanity of community, where would any of us be if not for the people who do not think to question what the right thing to do is! Good luck Madhu with the Supreme Court business, at least the people are gathered together out in the streets protesting – it’s not an issue that is going to go away any time soon!

    1. Thanks Patti. I somehow think there were more righteous folk in their generation than there are now. And you are right about the the criminalization issue. I hope our government understands that it is not going to be too easy to ignore.

  5. A perfect interpretation!
    I’m shocked at the article you linked to. I thought progress was being made in India, this is a big step backwards for the gay community 😦

    1. Hugely retrograde Gilly! They say they need to stick to the words of an archaic pre-independence law. It is now up to our parliament to show us, it has what it takes to amend it.

    1. It is Eric. With all our diversity, it is a miracle that we are still one nation! That gives cause for hope, I think…
      A happy weekend to you too 🙂

    1. Thank you. Those names are of French citizens who protected the Jews from the Nazis. Pity there are not too many in this world who share that respect for fellow human beings.

  6. This post really hit me. My husband’s grandparents were Justes, because they hid a man from the Gestapo and provided him with papers to escape. i only found out after his grandmother died and she was awarded the title with her husband. Humanity is stronger than cold, calculated leaders.
    India’s recent decision shows the disturbing influence that religious and political fanatics have on a democracy. I hope that the Indian electorate will react strongly to this unacceptable situation. Kudos for saying things the way they are.

    1. You must be so proud! Are their names on that wall?
      As for India, I have no illusions that a repeal of that law will happen anytime soon. The people’s dissatisfaction is beginning to bubble to the surface though, and it is heartening to see so much vociferous opposition. But we have miles to go, mountains to climb.

      1. I don’t know if Yad Vashem update the names or not. They were named Justes parmis les nations last year. There’s a post about them on my blog – look for “tilting at the windmills of humanity” into the search box”

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